Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog Critique

For a blog critique i decided to choose a sports blog as I am a huge sports fan, a huge baseball fan in particular. This blog (http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/) dicusses all major moves made in the MLB or potential trade rumors that surrond certain players or situation that would make sense for a team to make a deal. 

What I like about this blog is that is constantly updated on a daily basis with multiple posts per day. Each post goes in depth about each rumor or a potential situation rather than just say...this is the rumor or this is the situation...the end they go in depth describing how the move would affect each team and impact them not only in the immediate but also in the future. There weren't any things that I disliked about this blog except for the fact that they did not really use a variety of different forms of media. From a sports fan perspective they did everything right and covered everything that needed to be covered and went into great detail and did a very good job writing each post.

So for any of you that are big baseball fans and are interested in rumors or potential situations for moves that teams could make, this blog is for you. 

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